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Random Number Generator (RNG)

A random number generator is a system used to generate a set of numbers that cannot be reasonably predicted better than by random chance.

You can use this tool to draw winning numbers for your raffle.

We also have a Random Sequence Generator (RSG). beta

The easy way to make group decisions

Join friends to randomly pick a person, or play rock paper scissors to determine the outcome!

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Premium system features:

  • Tailored for drawing winners for competitions, contests, prize draws, sweepstakes, etc
  • Compliant in multiple countries including AU, CA, NZ, UK and US
  • Draw up to 1 million winners and prize types from an uploaded file with up to 20 million rows
  • Scheduling
  • Certificate of draw
  • Draw history/archive
  • Logging
  • Support

0 to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 1018 or One Quintillion

Yes, all results are provided as a downloadable zipped CSV text file


A real-time random number generated by measuring the quantum fluctuations of a vacuum.

This is obtained from one of two quantum random number servers:
Secure Quantum Communication group,
Centre for Quantum Computing
and Communication Technology,
Department of Quantum Sciences,
Research School of Physics and Engineering,
The Australian National University.
Nano-Optics group in association with PicoQuant GmbH,
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences,
Humboldt University, Germany.

We use CryptGenRandom within the Microsoft CryptoAPI, known also as:
  • The Cryptographic Application Programming Interface
  • CryptoAPI
  • Microsoft Cryptography API
  • CAPI
It is a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNG).

It is optionally seeded by either a quantum true random seed or a user generated seed.
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